I just got my results for my Chico entries! Unfortunately, no ribbons this time. This is my first competition that I've come home empty handed. I was sure that my American Wheat Ale (Holler at Me) would place, too.
As you can see, Holler at Me got a decent score, at 36.25. The critiques were primarily around too much hop flavor. Given that I tweaked the recipe, I probably just over did it on the hops. The other complaint was that the hef was too clear. I noticed this as well the first couple of times that I poured. It's not actually clear, but the wheat seems to settle at the bottom of the bottle, so you need to flip the bottle once to stir it up. I'm not sure why this is.
As you can see, I was just shy of getting into the "Excellent" category. Dang.
For kicks, I also entered my Irish Red Ale that I did for St. Patrick's Day. I wasn't expecting a whole lot. The score of 29.5 is about dead on with what I expected. Major critique on this one was that it was too bitter.
Too bad you didn't place, I hope you enjoyed Chico though. I'm surprised that Serria Nevada judges said your beers where too hoppy or bitter considering Sierra beers are generally very hoppy and bitter.